You will be able to login/ signup using your WhatsApp number on which you will be able to send your OTP code.
API Authentication Key
Using intuitive UI you will be to Generate UI token for the third party applications.
Developer API
Developers can integrate SendEach's marketing or OTP messaging services into their apps or websites using our API.
WhatsApp Gateway
Create your own System User Access Token from Meta Business Manager And Send Messages through whatsapp business channel.
SMS Gateway
The SendEach SMS Gateway offers a streamlined solution for sending SMS messages for free or paid.
Email Gateway
The Sendeach Email Gateway enables users to send marketing and authentication emails through their own account for efficient communication.
SendEach Support
Sendeach offers excellent customer support, and welcomes feedback, issue reports, donations, and feature requests, which can be submitted via WhatsApp, website contact form, or user dashboard ticket.
SendEach WhatsApp Tools
SendEach's WhatsApp tools help clients gather contacts, chat lists, active members, and other data. The tools also facilitate bulk adding of group members, chat list grabbing, group finding, and Google Maps data extraction.
AI Customer Representative
Sendeach AI Customer Rep seamlessly integrates with WhatsApp, websites, and Facebook, enabling businesses to engage customers across multiple platforms through intelligent chatbots for enhanced communication and support.
The Sendeach WordPress plugin empowers websites with advanced features such as AI chatbots, SMS OTP, and user data management, enhancing interactions and functionality seamlessly.