API Token Last updated: 2023-02-17

SendEach application allows for the generation of API token to connect your third-party applicationw with our server and consume API resources.

Api Token Creating Tutorial

Generate Token

1. Click on your profile Image(In the top right corner) and select the API Tokens option


2. Click the + button (In the bottom right corner) to generate API Token


3. Enter the name for API token in the popup and click on Submit button


4. Your generated api token will be shown in the new popup

Make sure you save the generated API token in a safe place as you will only see this token once.


Revoke Token

1. Click on your profile Image(In the top right corner) and select the API Tokens option


2. You will see a list of tokens that were previously generated by you.
To revoke a token click on the delete button of that token row.


3. Click on confirm delete to begin the delete process.

Caution: This action is no-reversible, so make sure you understand what you're doing.

4. After the successful deletion of the token, you will see a success message on the top right corner.
