Whatsapp WebLast updated: 2023-05-07

The Whatsapp Web Gateway serves as a platform for utilizing the Whatsapp web feature to send bulk Whatsapp messages to recipients.

Add Whatsapp Device

1. Goto Whatsapp Settings.

Set Whatsapp Web as default gateway.


2. Scroll Down to whatsapp Device Add Section.

Fil the fields of your choice and fill your whatsapp number.


Click Scan or Scan will be initiated automatically. Please refer below image.


After Successful scan you can start using your Whatsapp device to send Bulk Whatsapp Messages.

Send Whatsapp

1. Navigate to Send Whatsapp.


Provide Recipients and Select Whatsapp Send Device.

You Can also schedule the whatsapp message to send later.


After message submitting. You can track your whatsapp Message Logs from whatsapp reports .

Whatsapp PCLast updated: 2023-05-07

The Whatsapp PC Gateway is a convenient tool for businesses and organizations to send out mass messages to their customers, clients, or members. PC APP has lots of inbuilt tools which can be used for marketing. It is completely free to use.

Set Your Default Gateway as Whatsapp PC Gateway


Installation Procedure

1. Please Download PC Gateway Here.

2. Go to the downloaded file location and Extract the Downloaded File Zip.


3. Install the extracted setup file.


4. Complete the Installation Setup


5. Navigate to the SendEach App & Enter your mobile number


5. Click on initiate to get Connected


6. Scan the Qr code and get Started


Send Whatsapp

1. Navigate to Send Whatsapp.


Provide Recipients and Select Whatsapp Send Device.

You Can also schedule the whatsapp message to send later.


After message submitting. You can track your whatsapp Message Logs from whatsapp reports .

Own WhatsApp Business Gateway Last updated: 2023-04-23

Please create your meta business account first to start the process. Goto Create Meta Business Account and use your personal facebook account to create your business account.

Creating Business App from Facebook developers

1. Goto Facebook Developer and Login with your facebook developer account if not.

If there is no developer account, Please create it during login.

2. Goto All Apps if not. Click Create App Button.

Click Create App

3. Please choose the App Type as Business.

App Type

4. Please fill out all the necessary fields carefully.

Please select the business account you created during start of process. Click Create App to finish the process.

After you successfully added the whatsapp product app. you can access it products left side menu.

App Details

5. You will be redirected to App Dashboard. If not goto My Apps and click your App you created.

You will See your dashboard similar to below.

Please scroll to bottom and Add Whatsapp Product by clicking Set up button on whatsapp product card.

Please refer to screenshots below.

App Dashboard

6. Verify your business.

  • Please goto Basic settings from side menu dropdown.
  • Fill out all the fields accurately.
  • Verify your business
  • Scroll down and start a verification process by clicking verify button. It may take upto 1 day or less.
  • Once verified you will see similar below status.

    Verify your business

    6. Create Whatsapp Business Profile and Create Whatsapp Business Account.

    Whatsapp Getting Started
    • Click Add Phone Number
    • Create your Whatsapp Business Profile by filling out necessary fields carefully.
    • Please click next and add your new phone number that is not used in whatsapp and verify it.
    • Whatsapp Add Phone Number
    • Finally Add Payment Method to start sending your message.
    • You will be redirected business settings on clicking Add phone number.
    • Click the Account and goto settings tab and click payment settings to add payment.
    Whatsapp Add Phone Number

    Payment method is required to start sending messages through business channel.

    7. Create System User Access Token and Add whatsapp business account to your SendEach Account.

    Whatsapp Getting Started
    • Goto System users under Users Menu.
    • Click Add button.
    • set any appropriate system user name.
    • Set Role of your wish.
    • After creating it. Click Add Asset to add your app to this system user.
    • Whatsapp Add Phone Number
    • Assign the created app previously to this system user.
    • Whatsapp Add Phone Number
    • Click Generate new Access Token.
    • Select the app and set token expiration to permanent.
    • Select these permissions: business_management, whatsapp_business_messaging, whatsapp_business_management.
    • After clicking Generate Token. Please copy the token and goto SendEach Whatsapp Business Account
    • Paste it in System User Access Token field and click submit to add the token to your SendEach token.
    • Whatsapp Add Phone Number
    • Your SendEach account will be synced with Meta, and You will see your phone numbers added from meta.
    • You can goto Whatsapp Templates to create and manage your templates.
    • You can start sending messages immediately only using Message templates by going to this link Start Sending Business Whatsapp Messagesor navigating to side menu

    You will get sample templates to test sending messages. Note: You will be charged for each message you send.

    The Access tokens are securely saved in SendEach Server and No one will be able to access it except you.

    Set Default Gateway

    1. Goto Whatsapp Settings.

    Set Whatsapp API as default gateway.


    Also Choose your OTP Template which will be utilised for OTP APIs.

    Send Whatsapp

    1.Navigate to Send Whatsapp.

    Note: To send a message, you need credits. Please purchase credits before attempting to send a message Buy Credits .


    2.Add the Recipient Number with the Country code.


    3.Select the Message Template to send.

    Note: Subscribed Members can create their Own Templates.


    4.Select the template.


    5.You Can also schedule the whatsapp message to send later.


    6.Click on Submit to send the message.


    After message submitting. You can track your whatsapp Message Logs from whatsapp reports .

    SendEach WhatsApp Business GatewayLast updated: 2023-04-23

    Using the SendEach WhatsApp Business Gateway, you can efficiently communicate with your customers by utilizing pre-designed message templates that enable you to send personalized messages at scale.

    Set Default Whatsapp Gateway

    1. Goto Whatsapp Settings.

    Set Whatsapp SendEach Whatsapp API as default gateway.

    Note: To send a message, you need credits. Please purchase credits before attempting to send a message Buy Credits .

    Send Whatsapp

    1.Navigate to Send Whatsapp.


    2.Add the Recipient Number with the Country code.


    3.Select the Message Template to send.

    Note: Subscribed Members can create their Own Templates.


    4.Select the template.


    5.You Can also schedule the whatsapp message to send later.


    6.Click on Submit to send the message.


    After message submitting. You can track your whatsapp Message Logs from whatsapp reports .