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Please Buy Some Credits.\"\n ]\n ]\n}" }, { "name": "success", "originalRequest": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json", "type": "text" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"recipent_type\" : \"toNumberInput\", // Allowed: toNumberInput,toNumbersFromFileInput,toNumberGroupInput,\r\n \"number\": \"916374363396\", // Can be numbers seperated with comma ex: 1234454566, 1242323123. Required if recipent type is toNumberInput\r\n \"schedule\": \"2\", //Allowed 1(send now),2(send later),\r\n \"schedule_date\" : \"2023-04-30T18:06\",\r\n \"template_var_BODY\" : [\"1234\"], // Can be null or array values\r\n \"template_var_HEADER\": null,\r\n \"group_id\" : null, // Array of group ids. Required if recipent_type is toNumberGroupInput\r\n \"template_id\": \"233398695907903\",// Required to send Business message,\r\n \"whatsapp_phone_number_id\": \"103973902664895\" // It is send device. 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